Why hempseed oil? Finding my own treatment for bumpy KP skin.

Why hempseed oil? Finding my own treatment for bumpy KP skin.

Why am I using hempseed oil in my body scrub products? Let's make one thing super clear: hempseed oil, derived from the seeds of the hemp plant, does not contain THC or CBD. If you're looking for a contact buzz, you're going to be sadly disapointed. If you eat it, you'll probably vomit because of the high salt content, but that's it. It's just a cosmetic oil (similar to coconut oil, grapeseed oil, and jojoba oil) that our skin really, really loves! Hempseed oil comes from the seeds, not the plant (the plant leaves contain THC and CBD compounds). 

Okay. We got that out of the way. So, why hempseed oil? I personally struggled with KP skin for over a decade, and it got significantly worse after pregnancy. I tried everything on the market to get rid of the sandpaper-like texture on the back of my arms and sides of my face, and nothing worked. I tried all the lotions, all the loofas. I even took a pumice stone to my arms (do not recommend). 

Then, I'd had enough. I went down a rabbit hole. I Googled. I YouTubed. I Reddited. I hashtagged. 

I experimented. 

I started mixing potions and lotions and things in my kitchen. 

And finally, FINALLY, I found a system that worked for me and my skin. 

Step 1: take a long, hot shower.
Step 2: Exfoliate with a deeply exfoliating glove made of viscose fiber. The texture of this mitt is unlike any washcloth or loofa you've ever used. It completely cleanses the top layer of the skin, exfoliating all the dirt and grime. It's similar to microdermabrasion... but in your shower. I fell in love so hard that I bought 5,000 from a manufacturer and I sell them now: Salty Mama's Exfoliating Glove for Face and Body.
Step 3: Use a body scrub that contains an equal mix of sugar and salt for exfoliation, and an equal mix of coconut oil and hempseed oil for hydration. In case you didn't notice, I make and sell a lot of body scrubs that meet this criteria
Step 4: Immediately after stepping out of the shower, top your skin with an acidified body lotion. I'm not paid to sponsor them, but the Lume brand has been my favorite. If they see this and want to sponsor me, that'd be cool.

That's it. A decade of hiding my arms, and all I ended up needing was a 10 minute shower routine 3x a week.

And now, my arms ought to be in the dictionary under SMOOTH AF. 

Just for kicks, I asked ChatGPT to write me up a little summary of Hempseed Oil compared to other oils commonly used in skincare products. Besides, if AI says it, you know it's true. 

Hempseed Oil vs. Common Skincare Oils

While hempseed oil shines brightly in the realm of skincare, it's valuable to compare its benefits to those of other commonly used oils:

Coconut Oil: While coconut oil is celebrated for its moisturizing properties, it may be comedogenic for some individuals, leading to clogged pores and breakouts. Hempseed oil offers similar hydration benefits without the risk of pore congestion.

Jojoba Oil: Jojoba oil closely mimics the skin's natural sebum, making it an excellent choice for balancing oil production and nourishing the skin. However, hempseed oil's higher concentration of omega fatty acids provides additional anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.

Argan Oil: Argan oil is prized for its ability to soften and hydrate the skin while combating signs of aging. Hempseed oil shares similar moisturizing qualities but boasts a more balanced omega fatty acid profile, making it more suitable for addressing inflammatory skin conditions.

Grapeseed Oil: Grapeseed oil is lightweight and easily absorbed, making it ideal for moisturizing without leaving a greasy residue. It's rich in linoleic acid, which can help regulate sebum production and prevent acne breakouts. However, hempseed oil offers a more balanced omega fatty acid profile, including omega-3 and omega-6, which contribute to its anti-inflammatory and skin-nourishing properties.

Sunflower Oil: Sunflower oil is renowned for its emollient properties, effectively softening and smoothing the skin's texture. It contains high levels of vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps protect the skin from free radical damage. While sunflower oil is beneficial for maintaining skin hydration, hempseed oil offers a broader spectrum of nutrients, including omega fatty acids and gamma-linolenic acid, which provide additional anti-inflammatory and barrier-strengthening benefits.


So, there you have it. I'm not selling you a gimmick (and I'm defiantly not selling you THC or CBD or anything related to marijuana). I've created my products based on my experience, rabbit hole deep dives, trials, tribulations, and potion-making. I scoured the internet and scraped my skin with pumice stones and burned up my KitchenAid and ordered 5,000 gloves from China and finally created a winning recipe... all so that you don't have to. You just get to have super smooth skin.

Curious? Just buy one. They're only $16. (But don't forget to add the glove). 


- Rebecca

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